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Arrowsic Shellfish Conservation Committee (ASCC)

Committee Members

Lisa Margonelli (Chair), Claire Enterline, Kevin Kauffunger, Karin Sadtler, Mona Schlein

Purpose of the Committee & Logistics

The ASCC is charged with management of the Town’s soft shell clam (Mya Arenaria) resource, including enforcement of the Town shellfish conservation ordinance and applicable State regulations. This work includes several areas: license allocation and issuance, enforcement, shellfish conservation and administration. In addition to our Committee members, we rely heavily on our Town Clerk; Jon Hentz, Shellfish Warden; Katie Tilton, DMR Regional Biologist; Ruth Indrick, KELT representative, as well as volunteer licensed harvesters and volunteers from our local communities.

Clamming in Arrowsic

We want everyone in Arrowsic to enjoy the beauty of our island including trips to our clam flats. We have only 3 clam flats open to clamming in Arrowsic: North Squirrel Pt, South Squirrel Pt and Crowe Isle (Arrowsic Clam Flats map). With an annual license available from the Town office, all Arrowsic residents are entitled to dig one peck of clams per day. A peck is a ‘dite’ over 2 gallons of clams. A regular residential license costs just $10 for the year with special licenses available for seniors and youth. Apply at the Town Hall.

There are several rules and regulations pertaining to clam harvesting which are available on the DMR website. Major guidelines include harvesting of only clams 2 inches or more; harvesting in designated flats only; no harvesting allowed in closed flats: DMR closure of clam flats.

We also allow a limited number of commercial licenses which are also available at the Town office. Preference is given to town residents in awarding these licenses. See here for more information.

Our Projects

Green Crab Trapping

Arrowsic Clam Flats

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