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Arrowsic Education Committee (ASCC)

Committee Members: Denise Parker (Chair), Brenda Wojciechowski, Janet Persen, Karen Mignone

In June 2014 an ordinance to establish a Town Education Committee to address the diverse educational needs of Arrowsic residents was passed at the annual Town meeting. The Committee is made up of five members appointed by the Town Select Board.

The committee is looking to add new members!

Scholarship Fund

Although this committee was established for multiple purposes, it has evolved so that its sole purpose is raising money for the Arrowsic Scholarship fund.

The Arrowsic Scholarship Fund depends upon fundraising and tax deductible contributions to meet its goals. To make a donation to the fund please make checks payable to the “Town of Arrowsic”. Checks can be dropped off in person at Arrowsic Town Hall or mailed to 340 Arrowsic Rd, Arrowsic, Maine 04530. Please write “Scholarship Fund” on the memo line of your check.

Committee Members

  • Denise Parker, chair
  • Janet Persen
  • Brenda Wojciechowski
  • Karen Mignone

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Meeting Minutes