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Town Clerk

Barbara Boyce


Mailing Address: 340 Arrowsic Road, Arrowsic, ME 04530
Meetings: by appointment
Office Telephone: 207-443-4609; Fax: 207-442-9082


Dog Licenses

Dogs 6 months and older are required, by State law, to be licensed. To renew or for a new dog license contact the Town Clerk at You will need to provide proof of rabies vaccination.

The cost for a dog license is $6 for spayed/neutered pets and $11 for others. All dog licenses expire on December 31 of each year. You may renew your dog license anytime between October 15 and January 31.

You must renew your dog license no later than January 31 of each year, or a State imposed late fee of $25 must be charged.

Hunting and Fishing Licenses

Maine hunting and fishing licenses can be purchased online at the IF&W web site. You may also contact the Town Clerk to make an appointment to purchase a license. Hunting and Fishing Licenses are issued from January to December and can be purchased beginning in December for the following year. Lifetime licenses may only be acquired through the State of Maine.

Applicants must provide proof of safety course completion or previous licensure and be the appropriate age for the license being purchased. Requirements for licenses and other information is available on the IF&W web site.

The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife “Summary of Hunting Laws” is available at Town Hall and is updated each fall. Contact the Town Clerk if you would like a copy.

Shellfish Licenses

Two resident and one non-resident commercial shellfish licenses are available each year. Licenses are valid January 1 through December 31. Commercial applications become available in September and are chosen by a lottery system. (Contact for application and lottery dates.)

Any resident and commercial licenses not sold by December 31 will be offered to nonresidents in the order established by seniority (conservation credits) and the lottery.

Recreational licenses may be purchased by emailing the Town Clerk. Recreational fees are:

Resident Recreational – $10; Non-Resident Recreational – $20; Temporary Three Day Recreational – $5.00. Fee waived for recreational harvesters 12 years old and younger or 65 years old and over.

Marriage Licenses

Maine residents must record notice of their intentions to marry with the Town Clerk of the municipality of residence of either party. It is recommended that you print and fill out the marriage intentions form in advance before recording your intentions with the Town Clerk. The Marriage Intentions form can be found on the web site. Your marriage license is created based on the information provided on the marriage intentions form, and then signed by the Town Clerk. Proof of identity, such as a driver’s license, passport, or state I.D., must be provided when filing.

The license is valid for 90 days from the date the intentions are filed. The fee to file for the license is $40. Once your license is returned by the officiant, you may purchase a certified copy for a fee of $15 for one copy and $6 for each additional copy.

Email to make an appointment to file your marriage intentions.

If this is not your first marriage, you MUST provide a certified copy, not a photocopy, showing how the last marriage ended—either a certified divorce decree or certified death certificate.

Out of state residents may apply in any Maine town or city.

Additional information can be found on the web site.

ATV and Snowmobile Registrations

ATVs and snowmobiles can be renewed online at the IF&W web site. For new purchases please contact for an appointment. You will need to provide a copy of the bill of sale. If the sales tax was not paid to the seller when purchased, the tax will be collected with the registration. Current sales tax is 5.5%

ATV registrations are valid July 1 thru June 30. Registrations submitted on or before April 30 of the current year will expire June 30 of the same year. Registrations submitted on or after May 1 will expire June 30 of the following year.

The ATV registration fee for Arrowsic residents is $70. The Non-resident fee is $100 for seven days and $115 for the season. Fees do not include a $5 agent fee.

Snowmobile registrations are valid July 1 through June 30. Registrations submitted on or before May 31 will expire June 30 of the current year. Registrations submitted on or after June 1 will expire on June 30 of the following year.

The snowmobile registration fee for Arrowsic residents is $55 plus a $5 agent fee.

Watercraft Registrations

You must have a Maine registration sticker to operate your motorboat legally on public waters in Maine. The registration must be on board and available for inspection by an enforcement officer whenever the motorboat is being operated.

Boat registrations run from January through December and include new, renewals and documented boats. Registrations are valid for one year and expire on December 31 of the year issued.

The registration fee for boats is determined by the year, length, and horsepower of the boat. Please refer to the IF&W web site for more information on boat registration fees.

Owners of any vessels located in Maine must pay their annual excise tax to the Maine town where the vessel is principally located. Please provide the bill of sale for new registrations to determine if sales tax is owed.

All boats operating on Maine internal waters must have a separate Lake and River Protection Sticker (milfoil). The cost of a milfoil sticker is $15.

Vital Records

The office maintains Vital Records and issues certified copies of birth, death, and marriage records.

A photo ID and proof of relationship is required by state law to purchase copies. The cost is $15 for the first copy, and $6 for any additional copies purchased at the same time. Please contact the Town Clerk at to obtain an application form.

You may order a vital record through the mail by printing and completing the appropriate Vital Request Form. Please include payment. Checks should be made out to “Town of Arrowsic”.


The Town Clerk administers:

  • Elections
  • Absentee Voting
  • Voter Lists
  • Petition Certification

See the Elections Page for more information.