Monday Newsletter, March 24, 2025
Select Board Meeting
Monday, March 24, 2025
6:00-7:00 PM
Town Hall and Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Arrowsic Fish Commission
Thursday, March 27, 2025
6:00-7:00 PM
Town Hall
We welcome the public to attend. If anyone has questions, they should reach out to Karen Robbins at The agenda is:
1. Approve Annual Report
2. State of Sewall Creek Project: SWCA, data loggers
3. eDNA sampling: field report, sampling design and estimate going forward
4. Spring Monitoring Prep – Tasks
5. 2025/26 Budget Request
Someone Left This Plastic Drum in Front of the Recycling Shed!
Once again… Town Hall is not a dump for random items! A list of specific items and materials accepted at the Recycling Shed is listed at the Shed as well as on the Arrowsic website.
If this drum is yours, please retrieve it and contact us for advice on proper disposal. Aside from the Shed not being the right place for it, not knowing what contaminants it may contain makes safe and proper disposal problematic. We are always happy to answer questions. Catch us in person or drop an email to We are really very friendly!
Arrowsians should be proud of belonging to a community where residents are usually extremely diligent about responsibly recycling and managing waste.
We sincerely thank you.
Ros Arienti, Jon Biehler, Frank Daly, Nadine de Vries, Karen Dowell, Roz McLean and Don Sheldon
Ready for Green Spring Cleaning?
Now that mud season is almost over, it’s great time to go green while you spring clean. All it takes is a little extra planning! Here are 5 tips on how you can reduce your contribution to the landfill while getting rid of excess clutter in your home. Before you start loading up your trash bin, separate out piles for recycling and rehoming:
- Place clean and dry household items made from paper, cardboard, plastic, glass, or tin in your recycling bin for curbside pickup.
- Take gently used items you think other residents of Arrowsic might need or want to the Arrowsic Swap Barn.
- Recycle or trade-in unwanted electronics at Staples in Brunswick – or bring them to the Arrowsic Recycling Shed and the ARSWC will recycle them for you.
- Donate clothing, toys, furniture, and other goods to local charities, such as Goodwill in Brunswick or the Habitat for Humanity Restore in Bath. The Freecycle Community Group for Topsham is another helpful non-profit resource for giving and getting used goods.
- Check with an ARSWC member if you have questions or need advice on how to recycle, repurpose, or rehome your stuff. We love talking trash (and recycling).
The ARSWC will be launching its own green spring-cleaning project in the Swap Barn next month. We plan to sort through items that have been on shelves for a bit too long – and donate them to local charities or recycle them as appropriate. If there is something in the barn that you covet, but haven’t yet claimed, stop by before April 19 or it may be gone!
Arrowsic Photos Wanted!
We need some photos of Arrowsic, either contemporary or historical, to include in the Annual Report to the Town. Please send some candidates to Irene at
Select Board Meeting AgendaIn an effort to keep residents informed, the proposed Select Board Meeting Agenda will be posted in this newsletter the Monday prior to and the Monday of the Select Board Meeting. Please note that the agenda is subject to change prior to being approved at the Select Board Meeting.
Arrowsic Select Board
March 24, 2025
Proposed Agenda
6:00 Review and approve agenda
6:05 Items for Approval
- Minutes of Select Board Meeting of March 10, 2025
- Treasurer’s Warrant FY25 #19 for $ 13,712.85
- ABA Warrant FY25 #11 for $
- Animal Control Officer needed
- Annual Report
6:15 Town Staff & Volunteers6:20 Any other business6:40 Mail
6:55 Adjourn
Next meeting: Monday, April 14, 2025, 6:00pm