Arrowsic Select Board
Monday, February 10, 2025
6:00-7:00 PM
Town Hall and Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Valentine’s Day
Friday, February 14, 2025
Fire Department Training
Saturday, February 15, 2025
8:00 AM-10:00 PM
Arrowsic Fire Station
Our volunteer Fire Department needs your help. There are a lot of things to do that would support the team, for example delivering food on extended calls. Additional volunteers would be helpful for a variety of tasks like directing traffic or assisting Bath Ambulance respond to EMS calls. We will provide the training! To learn more, contact Chief Dale Carlton at carlton1302@gmail.com <mailto:carlton1302@gmail.com>.
Contribute to The Arrow
The next issue of the Arrow, our town’s independent newsletter, will be published next month. The Arrow is looking for writers who wish to contribute, either occasionally or regularly.
Please send anything you would like to contribute–articles, reports, notices, upcoming meetings, poetry, artwork, and photographs (including historical ones)–to Karin Sadtler at kasadtler@yahoo.com by Monday February 24.
Items for the Community News column, including births, deaths, graduations, personal activities, and other items of interest are requested. We especially welcome notes from new residents, introducing themselves and telling us why they moved to Arrowsic or what they particularly like about Arrowsic. Just a few lines is fine.
We are also seeking to continue to expand our Arts coverage and welcome your artwork, photos, poems, or stories.
Winter Road Conditions:
A reminder that winter roads can be slippery, so please drive carefully. Our plow crews work hard to make sure the roads are cleared and salted/sanded, but it’s always possible that the weather gets ahead of them. If you do encounter any road issues, please call Road Commissioner Jim Stump on his mobile. (207.650.0630)
Abandoned Boat in Arrowsic Bridge Channel:
The boat that was anchored in the channel near the Arrowsic Bridge broke free from its anchor and is now on the mud flats at the mouth of the Sasanoa. It unfortunately came to rest on our shore, and that makes it the Town’s problem.
No one is shocked that it’s come to this, and while the Sheriff’s Office and Coast Guard have known about it since it arrived last fall, no one had authority to deal with it proactively. The owner is a Georgetown resident and is “uncooperative” according the Sheriff. Booms have been placed around the boat to prevent it from leaking toxins; and the DEP and Coast Guard have been on the scene and are confident there is no fuel or oil remaining.
We are working with SeaTow on a plan to remove and dispose of it, but in winter conditions, if it can be done at all, it will take north of $25,000 to do so. Government funding seems to be scarce these days…
To be continued…
Select Board Meeting Agenda
In an effort to keep residents informed, the proposed Select Board Meeting Agenda will be posted in this newsletter the Monday prior to and the Monday of the Select Board Meeting. Please note that the agenda is subject to change prior to being approved at the Select Board Meeting.
Arrowsic Select Board
February 10, 2025
Proposed Agenda
6:00 Review and approve agenda
6:05 Items for Approval
- Minutes of Select Board Meeting of January 27, 2025
- Treasurer’s Warrant FY25 #16:
- ABA Warrant FY25 #9: $1953.00
- Animal Control Officer needed
6:15 Town Staff & Volunteers6:20 Any other business
- Approval and execution of Packard’s Landing Deed from Town to Black Duck Land Exchange Trust
- Discussion of abandoned boat by Arrowsic bridge.
6:40 Mail
6:55 Adjourn
Next meeting: Monday, February 24, 2025, 6:00pm